Toronto ON, Canada
Asheville NC, USA
+1 (843) 360 97-87

For US Inquiries

+1 (416) 887 49-38

For Canada and all Global Inquiries

All On 6



Candidates for Procedure

  • Patients without teeth (edentulous individuals)
  • Patients who can not undergo bone grafting procedures due to gum disease
  • Patients with gum disease, causing teeth to be compromised

Success Rates

  • Studies have shown that the All-On-4 procedure has shown patient related success rates of around 95%, and an implant related rate of 98% at the 5 year mark. Follow up results at the 10 year mark, we notice equally impressive results with figures of 94% and 95% respectively.


Recovery Time

  • 3-7 days

Treatment Period

  • Bone Grafts are very rarely called for with this procedure, therefore it can be completed in one day if necessary.



Risks & Side Effects

  • Possibility of implant failure (5% incidence)
  • Possibility of Infection


Zirconia Crown

All-On-4 and All-on-8

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