Toronto ON, Canada
Asheville NC, USA
+1 (843) 360 97-87

For US Inquiries

+1 (416) 887 49-38

For Canada and all Global Inquiries

How is the quality of care in these countries?

We choose our partners very carefully and choose to only work with establishments that have a history of providing the utmost quality of care. All of our partners employ very highly rated, highly qualified and certified physicians and possess the latest technologies available for the treatments they provide. We conduct background checks to ensure the certification and qualification of the staff members, as well as any customer complaints and/or legal action that may have been brought against them.The facilities must be well maintained and up-to-date with all of the comforts to ensure that all patients are highly satisfied.

Why is your service necessary? Why can’t I just contact the hospitals and clinics myself?

How do you choose the clinics and doctors you work with?