Toronto ON, Canada
Asheville NC, USA
+1 (843) 360 97-87

For US Inquiries

+1 (416) 887 49-38

For Canada and all Global Inquiries




Candidates for Procedure

  • Patients in good general health with healthy eyes Patients with up to -11.00 diopters of nearsightedness, up to +5.00 of farsightedness and up to 5.00 of astigmatism Patients who’d like to move on from the hindrance and mounting costs of eyeglasses and/or contact lenses Patients who can greatly benefit from refractive surgery due to continuous physical and athletic activity

Success Rates

  • A recent case-study of almost 100 peer reviewed studies found that approximately 91% of some 28,000 patients reported 20/20 vision or better after the treatment. 99.5% of patients reported 20/40 vision or better without corrective lenses.


Recovery Time

  • Patients may be released in as little as 10-15 minutes after surgery. Patients at this stage will not be able to drive themselves and will need assistance getting home It is possible to return to work in as little as 24 hours depending on healing Full recovery and full vision stabilization may take 3-6 months

Treatment Period

  • 10-30 minutes



Risks & Side Effects

  • Potential of irregular astigmatism Possibility for dry eyes Under or over correction Possibility of eye infections Potential of vision loss or double vision



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