Patients desiring aesthetic changes to their nose (eg. tip shape, bridge size, slope)
Patients with disfigurement issues due to trauma such as a severely broken nose
Patients who have achieved complete facial growth
Success Rates
It is crucial for patients considering rhinoplasty to have realistic expectations for the procedure. Although surgeons have mostly perfected the technical aspects of the procedure, there are several factors which will determine the success of the procedure. Factors such as quality of your nasal tissue, cartilage and bone, healing process, dysmorphia and the perceptions of the patients will play a major role in achieving a successful outcome.
Recovery Time
Short Term: 5-7 days to resume activity
Mid-Term: 7-14 days for majority of bruising and swelling to reduce
Long Term: 4-6 weeks for external healing and subtle changes are noticeable for up to one year
Treatment Period
2-3 hours, depending on complexity
Hospital stay is usually not required, but may require a stay of up to 7 days if necessary
Risks & Side Effects
Potential for numbness
Possibility of nose bleeds
Possibility for scarring at the base of the nose
Potential for swelling
Possibility of nerve damage
Possibility of under or over correction, which may require revision rhinoplasty