Toronto ON, Canada
Asheville NC, USA
+1 (843) 360 97-87

For US Inquiries

+1 (416) 887 49-38

For Canada and all Global Inquiries

What happens if there are complications or something goes wrong?

All procedures carry some risks and %99.9 everything goes as planned. However, we advise you to exercise some caution with every procedure. Plan properly for the recovery period and anticipate any possible complications. Allow some flexibility in your schedule and know what to expect – ask your doctor for detailed instructions and to explain how to minimize the possibilities for complications.

Immediate postoperative problems will be solved during your stay in the hospital. If complications occur later on at home, we will find a solution for your problem and there is always a chance to return to us.

HTT Medical Group is always here for you, at anytime.

Can I change my mind before the surgery?

If I want to proceed with HTT, what are the next steps?