Toronto ON, Canada
Asheville NC, USA
+1 (843) 360 97-87

For US Inquiries

+1 (416) 887 49-38

For Canada and all Global Inquiries

What is the consultation process?

We do everything within our power to make sure you are as informed as possible before making your decision. We can communicate with you by phone, Skype, WhatsApp, email and/or text to answer all of the questions you may have. We will collect all of the pertinent information from you regarding your treatment and medical history, then pass it along to our clinics and doctors. If there are any questions which we are not able to answer directly, we will consult with our partners to get those answers for you. Once all of your info is at the hands of our qualified doctors, they will review the info and get back to us with a recommended course of action and a treatment plan.

Will my transfers and other transport be arranged for you?

Are there any fees for the consultation?