Toronto ON, Canada
Asheville NC, USA
+1 (843) 360 97-87

For US Inquiries

+1 (416) 887 49-38

For Canada and all Global Inquiries

Why use HTT?

First of all, As HTT Medical Group, we are in health travel since 1984.

We do not add a penny on top of your costs. Whatever the price you are getting from clinics/hospitals, that is what you will hear from us.

If you are asking yourself how HTT is staying in the business, we are getting comissions from the cilincs and hospitals. Think us as a branch or department abroad of the clinics/hospitals. HTT is established in Izmir, Turkey and expanded into Toronto-Canada, Asheville-US and Europe Countries. 

We have signed contracts with the top medical providers in Turkey and around the world in addition to the best treatment, they deliver professionalism, safety and hospitality.

HTT is the leading player in Turkey and around the world for supporting individuals who are seeking medical treatment abroad. 

We are a complex agency and we organize everything for our clients including accommodation, consultations with doctors, surgery and transfers FOR FREE. HTT’s consultants make sure that our patients feel appreciated and safe during their stay with us. The consultants are available at all times.

HTT is about offering affordable medical solutions to everyone. Our deepest desire and ambition is to help people and help them live a healthier and happier life.

Why Turkey and why is the cost of medical care significantly lower in Turkey?

What about the language?